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 It was created in 1920.  The G.Os of this departments cover the period between 1920–1953  and pertain to the development of Agriculture, Preservation of Forests, Labour Disputes, Management of Co-Operative Society, Industrial Education, Registration of Companies, etc.  The Development  Department merged  with Department of  Industries in 1954. The records of Development Department contain information on the development of Agriculture, Civil Supplies, purchase of Agricultural Implements, providing irrigational facilities, Minerals, Coal, Mica, Administration Reports etc

The detailed information of the Development Secretariat Department are given below:

Sl. No. Category Periodicity No. of Records
1. G.O’s 1920 – 1952 15,416
2. Printed Proceedings 1921 – 1940        80
3. Printed Indices 1921 – 1940 1932 – 1952        2

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