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          The word Istifa means accomplishment of work. Daftar-i-Istifa  was one of the old daftars of the Asif Jahi period which preserved sanads and other papers relating to grants. The grantee presented his original sandas to the Daftar-i-Istifa, which prepared the duplicate and retained the same under its custody after giving the original to the grantee. In this way, the function of this Daftar was to prepare the duplicate copies of the original sandas and maintain them. These duplicates were also useful for attesting the copies of the sandas and ahkams as issued by the Daftar-i-Diwani and Daftar-i-Mal and verifying the original papers as well.

         In compliance with the farman dt. 2nd Ramazan 1323 H/31st Oct,1905 A.D, the records of this Daftar were transferred to the Daftar-i-Diwani. All the records are in Persian and Urdu.

                                  The particular of the documents of Daftar – i – Istifa  are given below:

Sl. No. Nature of Documents Periodicity  No. of Documents 
1. Ahkam - i- Tankhwahdaran and others relating to army -

1375 (11 Bastas)

2. Asnad - i- Jama - o- Kharach  relating to Army -

 5130 (38 Bastas)

3.   Awarija - i- Tankh wahadaran -

 2100 (15 Bastas)

4. Copies of sanads pertaining, to Deccan suba 

1133-1275H  1720-1858 A.D

 7605 (13 Bastas)

5. Copies of  parwanajat pertain Deccan suba

1127-1238H  1714-1822A.D.

 1782 (11 Bastas)

6. Copies of Inayatnamajat pertain  to Deccan suba

1180-1240H. 1766-1824A.D.

  3800 (19 Bastas)

7. Copies of Ahkam pertaining Deccan suba  

1190 -1272 H 1776-1855 A.D.

   3388 (12 Bastas)

8. Qabz -ul – Wasil of Tankhwah daran relating to army -          2830
9. Siyaha - i- Tankhwahadaran relating to army -  

   3100 (15 Bastas)

10. Statement of Jagirdars and Inamdars -


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